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Tag Archives: lifestyle

The dangers of cigarette smoke.

Inhaling cigarette smoke has many negative effects on the body and is also the cause of many serious diseases, such as: In addition Children and infants may be more vulnerable to the effects of secondhand smoke than people of other ages, with common health problems including:

How to reduce your risk of colon cancer?

Screening for colon cancer is important to increase the chance of cure and to give peace of mind to those who undergo screening. Generally, people should start screening at age 50. But those at high risk should be screened earlier and more frequently than those in

Correct wounds care steps.

Generally, there are many types of wounds. Such as abrasions, lacerations, burns, scalds, pressure sores, stab wounds, and lacerations that cause the skin to fall off. If the wound is large, deep, or severe, you should see a doctor early. However, in the case of

Benefits of Chlorophyll.

As chlorophyll has become increasingly popular today, with many health benefits claimed. What are the scientific evidence for chlorophyll benefits? What are the facts?  Reduce unpleasant body odor Bad breath and body odor are problems that greatly affect personality and confidence. Chlorophyll has the effect

Why? The older we get, the fewer our friends are left.

Why? The older we get, the fewer our friends are left. As you grow older and older, have you ever noticed that the “friends ” that used to surround you gradually fade away? disappeared one by two The friends you feel very close to. and friends who may have just done