When it comes to energy-boosting drinks in the morning, “coffee” is definitely one of them. Of course, it contains many beneficial substances for the body, including stimulating and preventing cancer and diabetes. However, not everyone can drink it!

Coffee is a favorite drink for many people. It helps wake you up in the morning. In addition to caffeine, it also contains important bioactive substances and is one of the stimulants of brain function. It is also an antioxidant that helps slow down or reduce the risk of various diseases. There are also other interesting chemical substances in terms of health benefits, more than 1,000 of which are in one cup of coffee.
Chemicals in coffee in terms of health
- Caffeine is a widely used central nervous system stimulant. It works by blocking the action of the molecule adenosine, a chemical that decreases central nervous system activity and is thought to promote sleep when it binds to its receptors (
Caffeine and adenosine have similar chemical ring structures. Caffeine competes with adenosine molecules and blocks the function of adenosine receptors, which prevents the body from functioning normally when it needs to rest or feel tired. Or it can be explained that when the body is alert, adenosine gradually accumulates by binding to receptors. Therefore, during the day when the body is alert, the body will have more adenosine binding to the receptors, making the body feel more sleepy. สมัคร ufabet At the same time, when the body is resting and sleeping, adenosine is gradually released.
If caffeine enters the body, it interferes with the normal functioning of adenosine. Caffeine competes with adenosine receptors to bind to it, allowing the body to remain alert.
However, this disruption also causes restlessness and insomnia when the body receives too much coffee. Although we can prolong the time of fatigue and the body’s need for rest with coffee, receiving an excessive amount of stimulants can lead to effects on anxiety and insomnia.
- Chlorogenic acids are a type of phenolic compound that have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. They have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They are also antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.
- Trigonelline is an alkaloid that has been linked to protecting the brain from damage, inhibiting the activity of cancer cells, fighting bacteria, and lowering blood sugar and total cholesterol levels .
- Cafestol , a hydrocarbon compound that has cancer-fighting and preventive properties, is associated with increased cholesterol levels.
- Antioxidants and Coffee The body has a metabolic process that produces the energy needed to sustain life, but this process often creates waste products in the form of oxidized molecules that can be harmful in themselves or damage other molecules. Antioxidants are a large group of molecules that can remove these harmful waste products. Antioxidants are produced by all living things to help balance out this metabolic process.
As for the antioxidants in coffee, they may have an effect in preventing and fighting cancer or fighting cell damage. One type of damage that may be reduced is DNA mutations, and cancer is caused by mutations that lead to gene distortions.
How to drink coffee without gaining weight?
You should not add more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per cup per day. Most importantly, you should not choose instant coffee because it already contains cream and sugar. It is best to drink it black.
Who should not consume coffee?
- Children should not drink coffee because it affects the heart, bones, and brain.
- Pregnant mothers who are used to drinking coffee can drink coffee, but not more than 1-2 cups per day. You should add 1 teaspoon of coffee. However, caffeine will prevent the absorption of calcium and iron, which are essential minerals for the fetus.
- Coffee is high in phosphate and is not suitable for people with kidney disease and heart disease. You should not drink more than 3 cups per day.
If you want to drink coffee, you should drink it in the morning to avoid insomnia at night. And for those who take calcium tablets, you should take it 2 hours before because coffee contains caffeine which can interfere with calcium absorption.